Nicole Malik

Users spent just 3.3 minutes on Google+ in January compared to 7.5 hours for Facebook, according to a new report.

Despite the sudden growth of cloud computing over the past few years, many individuals have yet to discover what this phenomenon is all about and may have questions.

Pinterest may be an Internet hit, but not all companies are as eager to tack onto the pinboard and the resulting referral traffic. Pinterest has now released code for companies that want to block the pinning of content from their sites to personal pinboards.

The U.S. government wants to more aggressively track terrorists on social media — and it’s asking for your help.

Users of Facebook’s apps — for Android, iPad and iPhone — may begin seeing ads as soon as early March, as the company looks to gain an addition revenue source before it goes public.

Should universities be allowed to force student athletes to have their Facebook and Twitter accounts monitored by coaches and administrators? “No,” says a bill recently introduced into the Maryland state legislature.

Pinterest is social media’s rising star — and now has the traffic stats to prove it.

As more and more consumers user their smartphones for search, Google’s mobile search and display ads are growing like crazy

Firefox 10 — the latest in a dizzying series of upgrades — is now available for your browsing pleasure.

For the first time, Facebook has revealed details about how it tracks users across the web.

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