Nicole Malik

Google has identified a piece of malware that is redirecting unusual search traffic to its servers, prompting the company to warn affected users.

Google makes a heck of a lot of money from online advertising. In fact, 97 percent of Google’s revenue, which totaled $33.3 billion in the past twelve months, comes from advertising. The top twenty keyword categories that demanded the highest costs per click are…

An online entrepreneur says that poor spelling is costing the UK millions of pounds in lost revenue for internet businesses.

In less than three weeks time, Google’s new social network has amassed a reported 10 million users. Why is Google+ seemingly succeeding where previous projects have failed? Here are five theories…

Already on Plus? Come follow us at our Searchterms Google+ profile. If you are still waiting on an invite, fill out the form and we will do our best to get you one

In a latest series of announcements, Microsoft is claiming Windows XP really will die in 2014.

Some may say U.S. President Barack Obama’s first Twitter town hall Wednesday marked the beginning of an era. Of all the many questions, the one we’d like to pose to you is this…

Google has acknowledged that the Google+ social network is “not optimally suited to [brand] needs” and has asked brands to put their Google+ aspirations on hold while a more brand-specific experience is finalized.

Studies consistently show that when capturing leads from advertising initiatives, a standalone lead capture page will have a better conversion rate than driving consumers to a website. Accordingly, here are eight keys to creating a successful lead capture page.

Celebrity endorsements don’t bring investments. Functional business models do.

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