Facebook Like Announcement: The Facebook “Like” and “Send” buttons can now be found at the top and bottom of all posts. While you have always been able to share articles across a number of networks via the Sharepost Widget, you can now use these buttons for even easier sharing. The buttons tie into your existing credentials, so if you are already logged into Facebook you will not need to log in again. “Liking” an article will automatically post it to your wall, with the option of adding a comment.  ahead and try it out on this post, and feel free to email us at support@netapplications.com with any questions.

From today forever forward however, Athar will become known as the guy who live-tweeted a series of helicopter flypasts and explosions; unwittingly covering the US forces helicopter raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound. Live.

As a consumer, you are blasted with the same request over and over: “Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook.” Why should I? What’s in it for me? These are questions of which a significant number of businesses cannot genuinely answer.

The web has dramatically changed the way people plan special occasions. Social media is making it easier than ever before…here are eight ways to capitalize on this trend.

All of those Twitter tweets and Facebook friends may have value after all, according to Penn State researchers.

With Facebook’s new version of Questions, brands and publishers now have a quick and easy way to survey customers and/or crowdsource information from readers.

Social media sites became an unexpected lifeline for many when mobile phone networks and some telephone landlines collapsed in the hours following the devastating 9.0 earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011.

Increasingly more companies in the Inc. 500 are utilizing Social Media as a fundamental part of their business and marketing strategies, and recent data suggests that they are seeing increases success and viewing Social Media overall as more valuable.

Charlie Sheen is the man of the hour. He’s become Twitter royalty, adopted the vlog medium, and kept Facebook abuzz; all-in-all taking social media by storm. Here’s what Charlie can teach us about social media and marketing…

We all know that the delineation between public and private was eroded by Facebook a long time ago. Over. Done. But now Facebook’s sheer scale is pushing it in a new direction, one that encroaches on your authenticity.

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